Klaas Kids Fun & Safety Day!
The 10th Annual Klaas Kids Fun & Safety Day is this Saturday, April 13, at The Pensacola Blue Wahoo's Stadium. The event is from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. We will have a booth there from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm. We hope to have everyone out for a fun and informative day!

The Klaas Kids Foundation was established in 1994 to give meaning to the death of 12-year-old, Polly Klaas, who was kipnapped and murdered. Her father, Marc Klaas, wanted to create a legacy in her name that would protect children for generations to come. The mission of The Klaas Kids Foundation is to stop all crimes against children. The Foundation has fingerprinted and photographed over one million children, without databasing personal and private information.

We are so proud and humbled to be a part of such an important and significant event. We hope to see many of you there in memory of Polly Klaas and working together to prevent crimes against children.