Pensacola Photo Booth Doubles in size!

We are growing fast! Pensacola Photo Booth doubles in size from a two photo booth company to four! When we started Pensacola Photo Booth in 2011 with just one booth we never dreamed we would have four busy photo booths. We are excited and humbled. We are so happy to have played a part of so many private and public events and celebrations. We have helped raise a lot of money for some wonderful charities right here in Pensacola Florida.
What we really want Pensacola to know is that our Booth is a wonderful attention getter and memory maker. It is social media. It is an advertising medium with a much longer shelf life than any print media. When you hire and have Pensacola Photo Booth your guests and employees walk away with huge smiles and your company logo in their hand. They proudly post the photo to their fridge. Then they take the fun photo from our website and facebook pages and boom, they share and post the fun they had with the co workers, family and friends.
Please consider Pensacola Photo Booth for your next promotion, grand opening, customer appreciation, festival and fund raiser.
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